Bottles of water wrapped in collation shrink films made with post-consumer recycled (PCR) resins from Dow

Shrink Film Packaging

Get the most out of collation shrink film packaging

The benefits of collation shrink film are numerous. Not only do they seamlessly bundle together multiple items, but their versatile branding opportunities make for fantastic shelf-life appeal. Through collaborations with progressive brand owners, we have gained decades of valuable experience which enables us to help you get the most out of collation shrink film packaging. 

Our resins are each designed to facilitate different packaging goals, and you can put our entire range of high-performance solutions to the test at our Pack Studios locations, using 3D virtual modelling of shrink film structures and industry-scale fabrication lines. 

Across the globe, we develop solutions that integrate post-consumer recycled (PCR) content for collation shrink films while maximizing performance.

Benefits of shrink film across the value chain

Film converters value chain image

Efficient and cost competitive film production through:

  • Trend for improved manufacturing output during extrusion while maintaining optimum thickness tolerance 
  • Continuous drive to downgauge films optimization 40 μm for 3-layer structures or 30 μm for 5-layer structures 
  • Products with high versatility for broader use in different formulations and package formats
Packers value-chain

Efficient and cost competitive packing through:

  • Trend for high-speed packing machines 
  • Homogeneous shrinking behavior in both directions 
  • Applicable for a broad range of products and formats 

Goods safely transported and brand promotion through: 

  • High quality printing and glossy appearance allowing constant brand recognition and promotion
  • High quality appearance after shrinking – no wrinkles and uniform bullseyes
  • Balanced tear resistance for easy opening and portioning of the pack
  • Tamper evident packaging (security) 

Reduction of wasted goods due to packaging failure through:

  • Low creep resistance and high shrink force to ensure pallet and load stability
  • High puncture for edge and corner stability
  • Weather and dirt protection – improved storage time
  • Tamper evident packaging (security)
  • High quality printing allowing easy bar code reading
bubble texture

View our interactive brochure to discover our full portfolio of resins and adhesives.

Bottles of water wrapped in collation shrink films made with post-consumer recycled (PCR) resins from Dow

Reach sustainability goals within the packaging industry with Dow

Collaboration is the key to reaching sustainability and recyclability goals within the packaging industry. So as well as offering PCR resins and state-of-the-art design, prototyping and testing facilities at our Pack Studios locations, we have a range of resins designed to improve collation shrink film performance.

Collation shrink film on water    

Collation Shrink Films 

We offer a range of resins ready to help you develop the perfect product for your needs, including solutions that enable the inclusion of PCR.    

Films machine   

Heavy Duty Shipping Sack 

Whatever you need from  your heavy duty shopping sacks, our resins with downgauging and PCR integration values can help. 

Stretch Wrap Films on boxes   

Stretch Wrap Films 

What if we told you we could help you downgauge your films while keeping the same high level of technical performance? 

Speak to an expert

We are committed to connecting you with experts and resources to tackle any challenge.