Legal Entity Rationalization

Dow is working to improve and simplify the way our customers do business with us. A key goal of the Legal Entity Rationalization (LER) Project is to improve customer satisfaction through reduced confusion and streamlined interactions.

This initiative may change some things such as simplified invoices, consistent documentation and updates to the name of the entity sending you the invoices. The LER project began being implemented in waves in 2016. Specific information on the changes will be shared on this site as they become available.

Change Information

Dow is updating our legal entity structure to better reflect our current operations and to best serve our customers.

The legal entity changes will trigger the need for customers to make some changes in their records to accommodate the new entities. There will be changes to the following: legal entity names, tax ID numbers and VAT numbers, as well as some processes related to purchasing and billing.

We will provide the specific information needed to make the required system changes. Until then, no action is needed.

Please visit this page often for specific information outlining the changes to each impacted entity.

Contact Us

The Dow Chemical Company's Customer Service teams are available to help with questions regarding order placement and delivery information pertaining to the Dow’s realigned legal entities. Contact your current Dow representative for assistance, they will be able to assist you or direct you to the appropriate resource to assist.